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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Beauty is Only Skin Deep!

Hi everyone, I'm here today to post about a growing topic throughout the world. Cancer. Cancer is known as a disease that involves unregulated cell growth. With cancer cells grow and divide without control causing tumors,  These tumors can grow and spread throughout the body. Cancer can be caused by tobacco use, lack of physical activity, poor diet and obesity. About 5 to 10% of cancers are hereditary. Cancer can affect all ages but it mostly affects you the higher in age you get. Cancer has caused the death of 7.9 million people around the world. Let's show our support and go bald for cancer for a whole week on Stardoll. Starting today (May 9th - May 16th). If you want to show your support then make your Medoll on Stardoll bald for the whole week. Let's use the power of the internet to show the world that Beauty is only skin deep and no matter what we are all beautiful on the inside, and that's what really matters. Once you have made your Medoll bald message me on Stardoll or comment below and I will save your Medoll to my album. All medoll's who participate will be featured in my presentation for the whole week (May 9th - 16th) and three lucky winners will become Covergirl, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner up for covergirl in my album for the week. Thank you all.

(Click to Enlarge)

XXX Mattspack :)

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